[ 12/31/2022 ]      Labels:  07.Basic Study4

The lowest tone of cello is C(66Hz, WL=5.2m, Period=15.2mS). Open A is 221Hz, WL=1.5m, Period=4.5mS.

Careful study for a pizzicato on cello perceives us something new founding. 

All pizzicatos seem having a special 4mS-period/time at their beginning, the details of 4mS-period are unidentified, we can see it at the forefront of all pizzicato.

'4mS' is presumed as an almost enough/minimum time to go and come back for the sound travels in the cello body, including both a high pressure and a low pressure.      

After the short '4mS', regular periods/cycles of the pitch continue. 

Waves seem spreading form the body center to the perimeter. High pressure gives way to low pressure at latter half and then recovers.

Many tones seem taking a '8-shape' orbit as their main route in high/low pressure in the cello body like a favorite highway.

The length of the '8-shape' orbit is equivalent to the wavelength, the round time equals to the tone period. 

The driving force of this mechanism is the speed of sound(340mm per 1mS). Cello body confines its resonance inside the (small) body controlling all within 2-4mS.

All high/low pressure air particles seem combined by strings of sound speed like the gravitation. This interesting mechanism might be the second invention of the violin family instrument.  

Details will be reported in 2023.

Celloの最低音は C(66Hz,周期15.2mS,波長5.2m)であり、A線開放弦は A(221Hz,4.5mS,波長1.5m)である。





定常的な共鳴が始まると 一般的には、高気圧が中心部分から周辺へ広がり、前半が全体高密度、後半が全体低密度に変化する。






詳細は 2023年 報告予定。

Lowest Tone C(66Hz) - Floor vs AEH -

 [ 11/08/2022 ]     Labels: 06.Basic study3

(4)Advanced Endpin Holder
 holds a cello in the air, leaving room for the tip of endpin to vibrate, then reduces the mechanical vibration between the endpin and the cello body, then recovers natural and rich resonance on cello.



Lowest Tone C(66Hz) - On-Floor Resonance -

 [ 11/08/2022 ]     Labels: 06.Basic study3, 4C0C

(3)Resonance of cello's lowest tone C(66Hz) on the floor
 is observed as below compared with Without-Endpin case:
a.The amplitude of the resonance sound decreases to almost half.
b.The waveform flattens.
c.Endpin(or Endpin-Tailpiece alliance) seems taking mechanical resonance with cello body then bringing a complicated situation.
d.Sometimes fierce interference beats are seen on endpin. In this case, C(66Hz, WL=5.2m) probably interferes with the redundant WL (: C(5.2m) plus endpin round-trip length).
e.Endpins can mechanically resonate with almost every semitone around C(66Hz), because the characteristic frequency as a endpin(pipe/rod) is expected to exist around 1700-1800Hz.

エンドピンを装着・床置きして C(66Hz)のロングトーンみると、一般的に




Lowest Tone C(66Hz) - Synthesis -

 [ 10/24/2022 ]     Labels: 06.Basic study3, 4C0C.Resonance C,

(2)Cello Lowest Tone(C66Hz) Synthesis Simulation
Synthesis simulation was studied for the lowest tone(C66Hz) on MS-Excel.
Cello body cannot create C(66Hz, WL=5.2m) nor the octave C(131Hz, WL2.6m) 8-shape resonance orbits inside because of its long wavelength. However, G(197Hz) and/or the upper "overtone sets" can synthesize C(66Hz, 5.2m) long combined orbit when the total of the wavelength just meet 5.2m. The solution is not limited one way. For instance:
(a)2xG+1xC+1/2xE--> C(5.2m, 3sub-beat, E is taking initiative),
(b)1xG+2xC+1/2xE+1/2xG--> C(5.2m, 4beat),
(c)1xG+1xC+2xE--> C(5.2m,5beat),
(d)1xG+1xC+1xE+1xG--> C(5.2m, 6beat),
(e)1xG+1xC+1xE+2xC--> C(5.2m, 8beat),
In other words, cello body is supposed to be able to create all upper semitones/pitch by real single 8-shape orbits and also for lower tones/pitch by virtual way(double orbit or overtone combination orbit) .
Really cello body seems a fantastic invention.  

Celloの最低音C(66Hz)を例にとって MS-Excelを使って合成シミュレーションしてみる。
チェロの筐体はC(66Hz,波長5.2m)及びその1オクターブ上のC(131Hz,波長2.6m)をシングルな8形の軌道として筐体内に作ることができない。波長が長すぎるためだ。しかし G(197Hz)以上の倍音成分をだけを使って積み重ねてみると、その倍音成分の波長の長さの合計がちょうど 基音C(波長 5.2m、正確には整数倍)になる場合に、基音C(66Hz, 5.7m)の合成波形を作ることができる。上方の倍音セットがあれば低音を作り出せることを示している。
方程式の解は一通りではなく複数存在する。その時の倍音構成により 1周期中のビート数が決まるようである。逆にビート数/波形パターンをみるとその時響いている倍音構成がわかることになる。例えば 3, 6 ビートが見られたら "G"が、4, 8 なら "C"が、5 なら Eがイニシャチブを取っていることになる。実測のチャートと符合する。




Lowest Tone C(66Hz) - REVIEW -

 [ 10/23/2022 ]    Labels: 06.Basic Study3

(1)Cello Resonance Review
Cello's resonance route/orbit is divided into four groups(I - IV) as also posted before. The most vital tone/pitch exists at around D#(156Hz)-E(166Hz), taking a single 8-shape orbit along maximum bouts fence dimension. Wolf-tones are often observed at 5-10 % upper frequency of D# - E. Cello can resonate with any pitches consecutively at I, II area. The double orbit of II can compensate the adjacent lower octave tones(Area III).
Although cellos cannot perform directly their long wavelength(IV tone area, C(66Hz),C#,D,) inside the body, we can actually listen the rich resonance when endpins are not installed.   
Typical waveforms including 4 - 6 sub-waves are commonly seen inside the C(66Hz) cycle period. In fact, these are the C(66Hz)'s unbalanced upper overtones, it will be discussed later.

(1)チェロの響き [ REVIEW ]
過去にまとめたように、チェロの筐体内の共鳴ルートは、I - IV の4つのエリア/グループに分けられる。最もキーとなるのは中央音域にあるウルフトーンの発生する音域である。ウルフトーンの半音程度下方にチェロ筐体が8の字軌道で作りえる最長波長(2.2m,D#近辺)が存在する。それよりも高音域(I, II)では任意の波長に対応して共振可能な8の字のルートを作ることができる。その下の1オクターブ(III)は2周回することにより任意の波長の共鳴ルートをとることができる。
しかし、最低音(エリアIV: C,C#,D・・)では直接的な共振ルートを作ることができない。C(66Hz)-エンドピンなしの場合-の代表的な共振波形をみてみると、基音-基音間に4-6ケ程度のサブ振動を含みながら しかし極めて起伏の大きい(リッチな響きを意味する)振動をしていることがわかる。このサブ振動は実はC(664Hz)の高音側の倍音(ただし変則的)を示している。



Cello Response (#7)

[ 8/25/2022 ]     Labels: 05.Basic Study2

Cello RESPONSE is describable a result of "Newton's laws of motion". The key is the aligned mechanical resonance between TAILPIECE and ENDPIN, taking some delay from strings. Too quick bow speed leads the resonance energy into endpin preferentially.
The true direct reason is hidden at the floor that restricting the tip of endpin. If you allow free vibration to endpin tip your cello response will revive dramatically.

Cello Resonance ♯6 SUMMARY

[ 7/21/2022 ]    Labels: 05.Basic Study2

Cello's '8-shape' resonance body, that can resonate any pitches keeping them inside. Endpins mechanical resonance contrary depends on the endpin length and given pitches.  

Cello Resonance (#5) AEH solusion

[ 7/04/2022 ]    Labels: 05.Basic Study2

Advanced Endpin Holder improves resonance and response.
Please try AEH and add to your repertoires the improved resonance and response world.

Resonance Study (#4) Endpin Resonance

 [ 5/28/2022 ]     Labels: 05.Basic Study2

 We know every string, pipes, wind instruments can be defined their frequency(/tones) by being determined two ends or the length.
Cello endpins behave as same. Then mosaic-like vibration effects from the endpin are added back on the original cello sound.
弦・パイプ・管楽器(wind instruments)、2点またはその長さを決めると共振する周波数(音程)が決まる。


Cello Resonance -#3- Interference and Wolf Tone

[ 4/30/2022 ]     Labels: 05.Basic Study2

Cello's '8-shape' resonance body, that can resonate any (and continuous) pitch keeping them in its inside, is a great invention.
However, cello was destined to share a wolf tone at its center range instead. This one point discontinuity seems a compensation that the infinite is confined in the finite.

Cello Resonance (♯2) Sound Speed

[ 4/06/2022 ]     Labels: 05.Basic Study2

How the pitch is settled.
#cello #resonance #sound speed