051. Test Measurement and Sound Speed

 [ 1/30/2021 ]     Labels: 04.Basic Study

The measurement system gets started with some preliminary tests.
Four microphones are deployed at the location -0, -3, -6, -9 on a virtual circle that has an about 750mm diameter.
[A] Synthesized A(221Hz) sine wave is emitted from inside of the circle and then the signal is caught almost the same timing to four mics.
A lattice in the chart is relevant 5mS, so the wave is just A(221Hz, period=4.5mS).
[B] When a coffee mug is set at the center of the circle and struck, the noises are transmitted to four microphones with no time lug each other.
[C] However, if the coffee mug is struck at -9, other microphones get the signal 1mS or 2mS later respectively, because the sound speed in the air is 340m/sec, i.e. 340mm/millisecond.
We will probably see a dance of resonance inside or outside of cello body later with using this 'mS-graduated' scale.

[A]は4点のマイク(-0,-3,-6,-9、直径約750mmの円状位置に配置)の円の内側から 人工的なA音正弦波(221Hz, 周期4.5ms)を発生させたものである。同期をとって四方のマイクへ伝わっている。ここでは 1格子は 5mS(5/1000秒)である。
[C]はマイク(-9)位置でカップをたたいた場合である。他のマイクで、1mS-2mSの遅延が観測される。大気中の音速は 340m/秒(=340mm/m秒)であることを示している。

309 Test-Measurement-and-Sound-Speed

05. Resonance Measurememt and Analysis -2021-

 [ 1/24/2021 ]     Labels: 04.Basic Study

Cello resonance will be studied closer and posted hereafter..
