057. Why Cello growls Wolf-tone against D#

 [ 2/23/2021 ]     Labels: 04.Basic Study

D#-tone(156Hz, Period=6.40mS, WL=2.18m) is very special for 4/4-size cellos, because D# is the lowest note that a cello can create a flawless pure single wave by adopting a '8'-shape orbit(= the longest route in the cello body). Inside of the cello body, the perimeter of the bouts/wall is 2.18 meter, usually in case of full-size(4/4) cello. It is just same to the wavelength of D# tone in the air.
E or F tone has a little bit shorter wavelength relatively so that takes rather an unstable '8'-shape orbit in the body. The echo of the new born E/F resonance runs off the original orbit swiftly then gathers to just inside the bouts wall, because the sound travels straight. If E# echo is enhanced to 90% of E/F resonance amplitude, a harsh wolf-tone(interference beat, including no-sound moments) suddenly comes out.
Cello-1 was elaborately manufactured adopting 'Montagnana 1740 dimensions'. It has a beautiful '8'-shape body and a rich resonance(echo). Probably the wolf-tone is directly related to the body design, it must also be the structural, and design issue.
Sometimes, however rather rarely, we can hear/watch flawless D# tone/waveform.
Let's go up steps along the 12-semitone-helix next.
チェロの中心域のD#音(156Hz, 周期=6.40mS, 波長=2.18m)はチェロにとっては実は特別な音である。チェロが1振動で響かせることのできる(ピュアな波形の)最低音である。なぜなら生み出された響き(波)が筐体の中を8の字の軌道で周回し最長の波長をとるからである。この軌道が一般的な4/4サイズのチェロでは 延長=2.18メートル程度であり、ちょうどD#付近の音の波長と一致する。
これに対して E(166Hz),F(175Hz)では波長が若干短い。1周回した時にはそのエコーは軌道を少し大回りして外側に膨らんでしまう。なぜなら音は直進するからである。ところが側板の壁がエコーを閉じ込めるために残響が壁の内側に高濃度に集まることになる。残響はD#の周期に代わり、生まれた直後の響きと残響の振幅強度が10%以内になると、干渉は最大となり音が一瞬消失する現象が起こる。これがウルフトーンであると考えられる。
Cello-1 は、Montagnana(1740)のディメンジョンの美しい筐体である。左右均等に丁寧に制作された楽器は豊かな残響を持つ。しかしウルフはその分きつい。その意味でウルフトーンはチェロという楽器(8の字系筐体の)構造上の問題でありデザイン上の問題であるとも言えるだろう。

325 Cello1_E-Resonance and Why WolfTone

326 Cello-The-Lowest-Single-Pure-Resonance-D#

056. Wolf-tone / Interference-Beat on D-string

 [ 2/18/2021 ]     Labels: 04.Basic Study

Cello's 'wolf-tone' or interference-beat is seen at, for example, E(166Hz) to G#(209Hz) on D-string. The interference phenomenon is fierce around 'E' tone, however according to increase the frequency (up to G#) it moderates the amplitude gap and the period of interference gets shorten. (Cello-1)
We can estimate the period/frequency of two interfering waves by comparing with their patterns/the number of waves in the interference beat. The result was surprising.

One of the interference counter parts(:we call as Wave-b, it is anticipated as a released echo from the resonance) seems to be located/gathered around D# frequency(156Hz).
The resonance and the echo are supposed taking a route of '8'-shape orbit at these tone range but have to travel straight in a cello body and lose the pitch because they are 'sound' in the air.

なぜ造られた直後の響きに比べて残響のピッチが(一定の割合で急速に)低下するのか?? 最大の原因はおそらく響きのルートが基本形の8の字状の曲線軌道であるのに対して音は物理上直進するからであろう。これらの現象は音域(D#-G#)で連続して見られる特徴である。

323 Beats-on-D-Wolf-Wave-Perid-Correlation

322 Beats-on-D-Wave-Samples(F#-G#)

055. Wolf-tone Synthesis Simulation (MS-Excel)

 [ 2/12/2021 ]     Labels: 04.Basic Study

What is 'wolf-tone' on cellos? Many cello players and the audience experience the phenomenon that is accompanied constructive interference and destructive interference and especially no-sound moments sometimes in it. Very before/after time to no-sound moments, people have to hear some drops in frequency, so people feel uncomfortable on wolf-tones. We can easily set up a simulation of 'two-wave synthesis' on MS-Excel spreadsheets. Then Excel suggests us some surprising hints.
(1)The synthesized wave pattern by two waves that has individual frequency and Amplitude intensity has a unique portrait on chart according to each ratio(:Period ratio/Amplitude ratio) like a voice-print. Moreover, the synthesized wave pattern samples seem to enable to presume the original period/amplitude ratios. Many synthesized wave patterns can be commonly found in actual oscilloscope screen that is capturing cello resonance.
(2)The very typical wolf-tone that accompanies missing sound moments can be found under  really limited conditions: The amplitude ratio of two original wave needs within 20% and the period ratio needs between 5% - 15%. Cello's wolf-tone can be seen generally near E(166Hz)-F(175Hz), it speculates a possibility of the existence of a large amplitude echo that has a next semitone(lower-side, D#) frequency.
(3)Such a interference beat sometimes brings a moment of no-sound, however also produces a synthesized double(maximum) amplitude of pure resonance.
(4)In case of a typical wolf-tone, we will probably be able to calculate backward the frequency and the amplitude to original two waves.

(2)ウルフトーンのように一瞬音が消失するようなきつい干渉は極めて狭い条件が成り立つ場合にのみ起こる。つまり、「振幅強度差が20%程度以内で、周期/周波数比が 5-15%以内の近い波が重なった場合にのみ音が消える」とシミュレーション結果は言う。
具体的に言うとチェロでは、E音周辺でウルフトーンが起こるが、周波数比の差8%→1オクターブの1/12→つまり約半音ピッチの低い90%程度強度の振動が存在し、ぶつかっていることを示唆している。もっと具体的に言えば、添付のSAMPLEは 10%振幅強度が低下し半音ピッチが低下したエコーに新しい振動波が重なった状態に該当する
(3)「よく響く楽器にウルフトーンが発生する」と言われるが、ピュアなシンプル波形で美しく響く楽器の場合、響いている時 振幅は最大で2倍に増強されるが、逆に負の干渉の場合は音が消失するリスクがあることを意味する。
Simulated all data are available at: https://celloresonance.blogspot.com/  (See: 02.Basic Tables)


054. Wolf-tone Samples

 [ 2/11/2021 ]     Labels: 04.Basic Study

Wolf-tone (oscilloscope) samples from Cello-1

317 WolfTones-Samples-onCello1


053. Inside / Outside of Cello

 [ 2/09/2021 ]     Labels: 04.Basic Study

How does a cello resonance wave behave inside/outside of the cello body?
P1-point was assigned 'inside', P2- stayed in 'endpin hole sleeve', and observed by 3G7-D/3G9-E pizzicato pluck.
A remarkable fact is the large amplitude of resonance is being born on the inside of the body. It seems 20 times(25dB) louder or more, and the waves spread to all directions at once. The first stroke of pizzicato gives the air high-pressure inside, whereas tiny low-pressure outside instead.

観察点は、P1:胴体内、P2:エンドピン穴のスリーブの内側、P3:胴体外、比較として 周囲の -O、-4、-8ポイント。
最も驚くのは P1 P2 の胴体内部で振動強度が極めて強いことである。(測定スケール=10.0Vとなっていることに注意)
40cm程度離れた周囲と比べて 20倍(25dB)以上音量が大きい。内部ではマイクの測定限度を超えている。もし人が頭を入れたらおそらく耳を損傷するだろう。



052. Test Measurement Data at Horizontal Points

 [ 2/06/2021 ]     Labels: 04.Basic Study

Before the main investigation, we need to clarify two simple questions: Does resonance/vibration changes at (1)forward/backward of top-plate or (2)inside/outside of cello body?
Answer(1): D(147Hz, Pizzicato, open) was adopted for this review  monitored at horizontal points(B, 4, 8, and +45 to -90 degree points to top-plate flank). There are no special remarks on the consecutive horizontal 1-beat data around cello body except 'two-beats' at backward of the back-plate.

D音で見る限り、全体として特に違いは見られず連続している。小刻みに震えながら大きく1ビートで振動している。ただし裏板の裏方向では 2ピート振動であった。

311 Measured Data at 0-B-4-8

312 Measured Data at Horizontal Points