052. Test Measurement Data at Horizontal Points

 [ 2/06/2021 ]     Labels: 04.Basic Study

Before the main investigation, we need to clarify two simple questions: Does resonance/vibration changes at (1)forward/backward of top-plate or (2)inside/outside of cello body?
Answer(1): D(147Hz, Pizzicato, open) was adopted for this review  monitored at horizontal points(B, 4, 8, and +45 to -90 degree points to top-plate flank). There are no special remarks on the consecutive horizontal 1-beat data around cello body except 'two-beats' at backward of the back-plate.

D音で見る限り、全体として特に違いは見られず連続している。小刻みに震えながら大きく1ビートで振動している。ただし裏板の裏方向では 2ピート振動であった。

311 Measured Data at 0-B-4-8

312 Measured Data at Horizontal Points