056. Wolf-tone / Interference-Beat on D-string

 [ 2/18/2021 ]     Labels: 04.Basic Study

Cello's 'wolf-tone' or interference-beat is seen at, for example, E(166Hz) to G#(209Hz) on D-string. The interference phenomenon is fierce around 'E' tone, however according to increase the frequency (up to G#) it moderates the amplitude gap and the period of interference gets shorten. (Cello-1)
We can estimate the period/frequency of two interfering waves by comparing with their patterns/the number of waves in the interference beat. The result was surprising.

One of the interference counter parts(:we call as Wave-b, it is anticipated as a released echo from the resonance) seems to be located/gathered around D# frequency(156Hz).
The resonance and the echo are supposed taking a route of '8'-shape orbit at these tone range but have to travel straight in a cello body and lose the pitch because they are 'sound' in the air.

なぜ造られた直後の響きに比べて残響のピッチが(一定の割合で急速に)低下するのか?? 最大の原因はおそらく響きのルートが基本形の8の字状の曲線軌道であるのに対して音は物理上直進するからであろう。これらの現象は音域(D#-G#)で連続して見られる特徴である。

323 Beats-on-D-Wolf-Wave-Perid-Correlation

322 Beats-on-D-Wave-Samples(F#-G#)